Cardiology Cases - UK

Why us?

We are your gateway to success with our educational posts on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. In addition, we organise the below listed cardiology teaching courses.

Experienced Cardiologists

Our faculty consists of experienced consultant cardiologists and senior cardiology trainees and physiologists. We have been running these courses for over 10 years with excellent feedback from all participants including doctors, nurses, cardiac physiologists and paramedics. 

Small Groups

Delegates are allocated to small groups to enable direct supervision in a friendly learning environment. Our mission is to empower them by providing the necessary tools and knowledge to achieve their goals.


Professor Khaled Albouaini 

FRCP (London), CCT, MD (Liverpool)

Consultant Cardiologist

Founder of "Cardiology Cases - UK"

Medical Director at Broomwell Healthwatch

Special Interests in Education and Cardiac Pacing

Find him on LinkedIn Link to PubMed Twitter Facebook

 Educational Activities and Courses

List of Courses

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Name (Barclays): Cardiology Cases Ltd

Sort Code: 20-51-08

Account No: 80516988

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